Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mothers Day Poems

Mother's is the source of tenderness, is the candle that illuminates the past, present, and future. Mother tired to rest, to worry congratulated Freely, is simply a source of tenderness, do not want anything from her sons only to enjoy good health and good treatment gentle.

Short Mothers Day Poems :

A Mother's Love  ~Anon

0f @ll the special j0ys in life,
The big 0nes and the sm@ll,
@ m0ther's l0ve and tenderness
Is the greatest 0f them @ll.

Sunshine ~Anon
My M0ther, my friend so de@r
thr0ügh0ut my life you're @lways near.
A tender smile to güide my way
Y0ü're the sünshine to light my d@y.

read more about : mothers day poems

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